Monday, June 11, 2007

What is Sales Intelligence?

Great question! Now, go sit down and stop thinking so much. You'll give yourself a headache.

Seriously, there have been many attempts to understand the line that delineates sales data from intelligence. Sales intelligence exists as a subset of competitive intelligence. It covers a broad array of potential information. And, there are a dozen different definitions. However, a recent report from CSO Insights indicates their feelings on the matter.

According to Jim Dickie and Barry Trailer, sales data is very common. It would include information such as company names, contacts, phone numbers, revenue and any other identifying pieces of information. Sales intelligence, on the other hand, adds to these items and shows sales reps how they can be better positioned, the value proposition that is most likely to resonate, how their clients like to buy and turn-offs that may shut down the sale.

The CSO Insights report describes the benefits of providing sales intelligence rather than data:

1- Get into the game more often
2- Get out of losing games earlier
3- Win the game more often

The report can be downloaded from CSO Insights here. Registration is required. The registration form can be accessed here.

Primary Intelligence believes that sales intelligence can produce gains of 10%, 20% or more. Our clients believe this too. We go beyond sales data to show how companies can sell more effectively, distancing themselves from the competition, moving into new markets and creating new opportunities.

Jim Dickie and Barry Trailer are very smart guys. And, I am happy that their data supports our core focus: Helping sales people sell more.

If you would like more information, please let me know. I enjoy the chance to chat about these topics. (, 801-838-9600 x5050)

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