Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another Endorsement for Win Loss Analysis

One of our clients in the Blue Cross Blue Shield network was kind enough to provide an assessment of the success of their win loss program, which they have outsourced to Primary Intelligence:

“The real value of the Primary Intelligence System to us, is their uncanny ability to drill through Producers directly to Group Leaders and Group Decision makers and engage them at a level denied to us over and over again.

At that level, Primary Intelligence uncovered the truth, the real drivers of decisions on healthcare, and gave us the opportunity to address those directly the following year.

We won back 7 of the 30 losses the previous year and those wins were driven by knowing the truth.” - Senior Healthcare Intelligence Analyst

If you are considering a win loss program, you might consider the following:

  • How much more successful would your company be at selling new deals if you really knew why you win and lose?
  • How much revenue would you gain if your company could win back 23% of lost sales within 12-24 months?
  • What would the ROI be if you were able to create a more solid “win” and increase the likelihood that your current client base would stay with you longer?

  • These are the results that Primary Intelligence delivers daily. If you are missing out, let’s chat.

    You can join our webinar tomorrow (2PM ET, Regiester HERE) or we can talk. (, 801-838-9600 x5050)

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