Wednesday, April 4, 2007

An Enchilada of Information

Once when I was young, my family was set to leave on a three week family vacation. In a last-ditch effort to clean out the fridge, my Mom (who never threw any food away in her life) emptied all of the leftovers into tortillas and served us the most interesting enchiladas ever created on earth.

Normally, I'm a pretty good eater and I'll try most anything, but the combination of ham, beans and beets (among other stuff) has created a wonderful story that has lasted for dozens of years now.

When thinking about all of the information available within your organization, how do you want to receive and digest the good bits? And, how do you let the supporting departments in your company know your tastes and dislikes? Or, did you decide long ago that you don't want information because there were too many beets falling out the end?

Start today by:

  1. Making a list of the types of intelligence you wish you had
  2. Figure out how you want to receive that information
  3. Decide whether you prefer to interpret information yourself or engage a 3rd party that can provide expertise.

Then, sell this idea up the organization. Odds are, the information exists somewhere already. If you make your needs known, you may even receive the data in the requested format. (Those marketing guys are secretly hoping that someone will pull a report, dust it off and use the data.

If you want some ideas, give me a call (Chris, 801-838-9600 x5050)

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