Monday, September 17, 2007

Upcoming Webinar - Making Competitive Intelligence Effective

Just wanted to let you know that I will co-host a webinar on September 27 with one of my associates, Mike Brose. The webinar will be conducted at 2PM ET (11AM PT) and is free of charge.

A summary of the webinar follows:

While information provides the fuel for strategic direction, how often does yesterday's "can't miss" competitive intelligence initiative get lost in the shuffle of today's realities?

Overall, too many sales, competitive, and market intelligence initiatives are judged ineffective due to the fact that the intelligence is never used to increase sales, gain a competitive advantage, or capitalize on a new market opportunity.

Primary Intelligence would like to invite you to a presentation that will show:

-Why competitive intelligence is often under-utilized
-How to generate findings that actually makes a difference
-How to start with the end in mind
-Different methods to ensure that the intelligence will provide a guiding beacon.

Those that will benefit include:
-Marketing leaders
-Market research managers
-Market and Industry analysts
-Sales leaders
-Corporate leadership positions (CEO, CMO, CSO)

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Date: September 27, 2007
Time: 2PM ET, 1PM CT, Noon MT, 11AM PT

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