Monday, May 7, 2007

Moving Intelligence through the Sales Force

“80% of the CI needed in an organization is resident in the heads of the salesforce at any give time.”

Makes me wonder why systems for moving the tribal wisdom through the organization are so few and far between.

But, if you believe the statement above and you want your entire sales organization to benefit from on-time delivery of the best intelligence and experience possible, you should look at streetsmarts, a product by Involve Technology:

1-The first step in the process is to search for advice in the existing content. Of course, the content library builds over time and the relevance of the information (according to users) becomes more refined.

2-The search results are displayed in a logical layout, just as they would be on the most searchable pages on the web

3-Results are displayed with a link, summary, date and other information that will provide a user with the ability to determine relevance or potential to help
a. Trophy (best practice) – This is given to a piece of advice if the advice has received positive ratings by a majority of users.
b. New – When a piece of advice is newer than the pre-established time limit
c. Fire (hot topic) – if the information has generated a lot of interest and readership, it is designated as a hot topic
d. By – The author can be referenced. The link takes the user to a profile that includes background and contact information
e. Usefulness score – Shows (with stars) how useful the information has been ranked over time. Also, shows the number of reviewers

This is just scratching the surface of their technology. Involve Technology has built in a number of different incentive systems and other knowledge bases to ensure the highest possible usage, both of readers and content generators.

Primary Intelligence thinks this tool is great because it allows us channel through which to put the intelligence generated by live prospects and customers. With streetsmarts, sales reps have nearly every piece of competitive intelligence and advantage at their fingertips. And, news of competitor tactics are spread throughout the organization in minutes.

If you have interest, give me a call. I can help you understand how the combination of technology and intelligence can improve your competitive success rate by up to 20% within a few months. (, 801-838-9600 x5050)

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